Thomas BALAŸ
Les Succulentes
Thomas Balaÿ was born in France in 1977.
His photographic approach began in the United States at the Marie Selby Botanical Garden while he was preparing a travelling exhibition on endangered plants.
This photographer, who has a degree in tropical agronomy and has travelled the travelled the world and has produced botanical books designed to reveal the diversity and beauty of the the diversity and beauty of the plant world that surrounds us. Recently he published two books Orchids and Succulents, the plant design.
So perfect in their symmetries, in their curves, in their harmony of colors, that they could seem to us to be digital creations.
But nature has always been ahead of us...
Thomas has captured this perfection and delivers to us through his lens this real, sublime and amazing vision of succulents.
Silver photography
Medium format Fuji gx 680.
-Photographs taken in daylight in botanical collections.
Printed on dibond 2mm under diasec
and framed in a black tinted koto wood frame.
Prints limited to 8 copies in all formats